Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Personal Reincarnation...

I was talking with my mom and then again with my husband regarding "Personal Reincarnation" this evening.  Ok...don't get scared!  I am not talking about a physical rebirth, in which you get have to come back and live life over and over again until you "get it right".  So....really....it's safe to read on..lol

Personal Reincarnation...it's those times in your life when your life takes a drastic turn and it changes the face of who you were.  Sometimes that change can be a sudden change.  One that blind sides you...those are the worst  because you have no warning...no chance..no choice.  You just wake up one morning and your life is forever changed.  Maybe it was a death in the family.  Maybe a loved one was diagnosed with a grave medical condition.  Or maybe you discovered a secret revealed that forever changed the course of your life.

Then you have a slowly evolving reincarnation.  Life changes over time..slowly...gradually.  You can see it coming.  You know it is going to happen..but no matter how hard you try to hold on to your old face, it's changing before your eyes.  Maybe you are going through a rough marriage and you know divorce is at the other end.  Maybe you are working out and walking out your faith and you know you can never go back to "how it use to be".  Or maybe you began growing apart from your best friend.  You both tried to keep those strings tied...but forces that be have decided the two of you are no longer to be.

However you reached your new life...your personal reincarnation..it can be quite painful to accept.  It's hard to look in the mirror and see a shadow of who you were.  It is uncomfortable to not know who you are looking at anymore.  You grasp, cry, plead to go back to where you were.  Where it was safe, comfortable and familiar.  Living a life in an unfamiliar land is terrifying..it's a culture shock and your heart yearns to be where you use to be...or who you use to be.

I know this place...I have felt the seasons change.  A few times they have been gradual.  PAINFULLY gradual!!!  But then, I have been faced with such a quick change that I felt my whole world would stop turning.  I think I almost prayed for it to stop turning so I could fall off!  But there are some things I learned as I entered into my new personal reincarnations.

First.....stop trying to go back to where you were.  Stop trying to find the old you in the reflection...because the old you is gone.  Hashem has decided it was time for a change.  I don't believe in fate...I believe EVERY.SINGLE.EVENT in our life has been directed by the most masterful hand ever.  A hand that is beautiful, skilled, tender and open.  Hashem formed you in your mother's womb.  He has counted your days.  He has counted and caught the tears you shed.  He knows the very number of hairs on your head.  He gave you those little laugh lines, the turned-up nose, the big ears, the dimples in your cheeks.  He crafted you exactly how and when He wanted.  And you know why?  Because you serve a purpose in this incredible plan of His.  Every detail of your life has been worked out to His glory...His timing...His story.  And now, Hashem has decided to write you a new story.  He has changed the tune and now it's time to start with new steps...new moves.  The quicker you accept this new life, the quicker you can move on to finding beauty in it.  It might seem dark, cold and scary right now...but He promises that joy WILL come in the morning.

Second....Don't live in the "what-ifs" or the "if-onlys".  You can't consume yourself with.."what if I didn't get in that car", "What if I was a better wife/husband", "if only I had taken my Dr. more seriously", "if only I said I loved him one more time".  The what-ifs will destroy you...they will keep you from learning how to live in your new life.  The What-ifs do not matter...because Hashem did not allow you to live the "what-ifs"...He wanted you to live your current reality.  He has His hand in every minor detail of your life.  Do you think Hashem would be careless enough to allow a minor detail to slip through the cracks if He knew it was going to alter the plan He has for you against His timing or His will?  Certainly not!  We were created by a master...a careful planner.  So don't kill the new life your Creator has just penned for you by living with the pain of regret.

So....I write this post...not only for those I love that are in the middle of a personal reincarnation, but also for me...so I can go back and read my words when Hashem decides to write me a new story.  So that when I look in the mirror and I am trying desperately to find the face I am use to gazing upon, I will remember....I write to remember to trust in my Creator...in my Master Planner.  I write so I will remember to wait for His promise...that JOY WILL COME IN THE MORNING!  Even though it may be cold, dark and scary...He promises...it WILL come <3  Shalom my friends.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Magnetic Chore Chart for Littles

One of the biggest challenges we face as parents is training up our children in the way they should go. Yes, I do understand that this is talking about their little spiritual lives...but we take this stand with every aspect of raising our little people. I want my daughters-in-love and son-in-love to one day thank me for raising superb husbands and a fabulous wife someday.

We begin teaching our littles early on, that it takes a lot of time and energy to run a family and that mom and dad can't do it without their help. The littles have assigned chores...but do they ever get done without complaints, constant reminders or making them do it over again?  A big, huge, resounding...NOOOOOOOO!!!!! I have tried chore charts in the past, complete with stickers and pretty paper; all working toward a large goal or prize at the end. Needless to say, this wares off quickly...for all of us. If you are wondering that we might be a tad A.D.D., wonder no more...I confess. O.K., so now you get an idea of battle number 1.

Battle number 2...my boys are gaming freaks! No, not just enthusiasts...no...they are full.on.addicted little gaming fanatics. They could play for 72 hours straight and still complain at the end of it all, that they never get to play (insert a roll of the eyes). In an effort to reduce the brain-dead effect of gaming, we cut their gaming time and gave them specific days with set hours. However, the boys were not getting their chores done before turning on their games.  I set out on a quest to find the perfect chore chart system that would help us claim victory over both battle number 1 and battle number 2.

Introducing our new chore chart system:  Instead of the boys working to earn money, they work to earn gaming time.  "Ahhhh!!!  You are such a smart mom!!" I know..thanks for the compliment. ;)  Each chore has a different amount of time they can earn, depending on the challenging nature of said chore.  Every other day they turn in the chore magnets they earned, we calculate the time and that is how long they are able to play.

You can use this system in whatever way suits your family's needs.  For our Boo-Girl, we assigned each little chore a small monetary amount, since she is not a little game-head like her brothers.

So today, I will share with you how I made our awesome chore chart system.....

What You Need
  •  A chore list
  • Printable labels (I used full sheet)
  • Self-adhesive Laminating Sheet
  • Wooden Disks (I used 1.25" diameter that I purchased from etsy)
  • Self-adhesive Magnetic Buttons
  • Scissors 
  • Printer    

The Process
  • Print out your chore list with their assigned values on adhesive labels 
  • Overlay the printed labels with a sheet of of self-adhesive laminating sheet
  • Cut out each chore in a circle the size of your disk
  • Peel and place label on one side of the wood disk
  • Place self-adhesive magnet on the other side of the disk

I hope this chore chart system helps make one of your parenting jobs a tad easier.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Welcome to Against the Stream

Have you ever heard the expression, "still waters run deep"?  I am sure you have and am equally sure you know the meaning of that phrase.  Those that know me personally, understand quickly that there is a complex world residing in my brain.  I am quiet in appearance, but passionate and screaming on the inside.  I have deep convictions, big feelings, driving passions and a sincere heart that loves to show it's face from time to time.  I invite you to "Against the Stream" to share in my thoughts, ideas, feelings and convictions.

Why the title?  I truly am not a rebel without a cause!  I have always "gone against the stream", all my life.  Again, not out of rebellion, but out of a desire to be unique and set apart.  Everything in my life is ""set apart" from my faith, to my cleaning, to my home education and even my approach for our family healthcare.  As believers, we are called to be set apart...to be in this world, but not of it.  I think I take that mantra and carry it into every aspect of my life.

So please, follow me and join our family as we live and love..moving through this world...Against the Stream :)